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cultural fluency

To have cultural fluency is to be able to communicate effectively within a culture, including picking up nonverbal and non-linguistic contexts. One might speak a language well but still not be culturally fluent. In marketing and advertising, this means being able to tease out the cultural nuances of the segments you are looking to target.

Uncategorized, Marketing and Advertising

cultural humility

Cultural humility acknowledges that someone can never fully understand cultures and identities outside their own. It encourages individuals to be okay with not having all the answers and emphasizes the idea that the process of making, learning from, and correcting mistakes is how authentic connections can take place.


climate justice

What to know Climate justice or environmental justice refers to the idea of safe environments as a civil rights issue, recognizing that rich, privileged nations and populations have disproportionately contributed to climate change and historically underserved populations are disproportionately affected by both climate change and polluted environments. “Race — even more than class — is… Continue reading climate justice