Style Guidance home / Race and Ethnicity, Borders and Populations


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What to know

Indigenous can refer to the original inhabitants of a place, and to their customs, language, and other cultural markers. While Indigenous can be used as a broad category, it’s best to specify the population being referred to whenever possible. In the continental United States, Indigenous peoples are also referred to broadly as Native Americans, American Indians, and First Americans; those who are Indigenous to Alaska are typically called Alaska Natives. According to the Health and Human Services Department’s Administration for Native Americans, there are more than 5 million Native Americans and Alaska Natives in the United States, comprising 2 percent of the population. There are several Indigenous Pacific Islander populations in the US, including Native Hawaiians, the CHamorus of the Mariana Islands, and Samoans.

As with any identifier, include only when relevant and necessary; being as specific as possible and taking into account an individual’s preference whenever possible ensures coverage reflects how someone self-identifies.

In 2021, President Biden declared October 11 Indigenous Peoples’ Day; it is not yet a federally recognized holiday, though several states mark the day. Many Indigenous people also say the holiday does not do enough to raise awareness and right historical wrongs against their communities.

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Indigenous can refer to the original inhabitants of a place, and to their customs, language, and other cultural markers. In the continental United States, Indigenous peoples are also referred to broadly as Native Americans, American Indians, and First Americans. Those who are Indigenous to Alaska are typically called Alaska Natives. There are several Indigenous Pacific Islander populations in the US, including Native Hawaiians, the CHamorus of the Mariana Islands, and Samoans. While Indigenous can be used as a broad category, it’s clearest to specify the population being referred to whenever possible, and to take into account an individual’s preference whenever possible.

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