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Self-made is a descriptor used for someone who built a business or established a fortune on their own, rather than inheriting some or all of it; however, terms like self-made and the closely related adage of “pulling oneself up by the bootstraps” are part of a generalized mythos around wealth and success.

Stories about “self-made people” or “rags to riches” may be an opportunity to portray how an individual’s background and systemic factors played a role in their present success and/or wealth. The bootstraps euphemism in particular is often leveraged against lower-income, nonwhite individuals.

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Self-made refers to someone who purportedly established a business or amassed a fortune on their own. However, stories about “self-made people” or “rags to riches” may be an opportunity to portray how an individual’s background and systemic factors played a role in their present success and/or wealth. The bootstraps euphemism in particular is often leveraged against lower-income, nonwhite individuals.