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Disabilities, Neurodiversity, and Chronic Illness

Last updated 02/07/24


Health is not a static, fixed state — it exists on a spectrum, determined by many factors. How disabilities and illnesses are discussed has changed significantly over time, and careful media coverage will take into account that everyone’s experiences and perceptions of those experiences are different, and there is no one “standard” for health.

This section of the Language, Please style guidance aims to provide tools for avoiding common pitfalls and stereotypes when discussing disabilities and illnesses.

This resource was informed by questions and discussions from our own newsrooms. It is a living document that will update and expand over time. It is not meant to be comprehensive or the definitive arbiter of language “rules” but instead aims to give context and inform thoughtful decision-making. Have a suggestion for an update, change, or addition? Please get in touch.

How to use: Browse the whole section or search for the term you need guidance on; click into any term for in-depth context, additional resources, and related terms. 

Additional resources:

blind / low vision

There can be a wide range of experiences among people with blindness or vision loss. Total blindness is the complete loss of sight, while low vision is significant loss of sight; legal blindness is specifically defined as having 20/200 visual acuity. Terms like “vision impairment” or “visually impaired” can be read as portraying blindness negatively. Person-first language when discussing blindness can also be used, such as the “person who is blind” or “person with low vision,” though taking into account the person’s preferred terminology whenever possible aligns your framing with their lived experience.


Cancer is a disease related to the uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal cells in the body and the leading cause of death worldwide. The term has long been used metaphorically. Use caution when employing the term in a metaphorical sense, as such narratives often contain racial and socioeconomic implications. When writing about a person receiving cancer treatment, it’s especially useful to pay attention to and understand the terms they use to refer to themselves.

chronic illness

There are many types of chronic illnesses and experiences. Although not every person with a chronic illness will consider themselves to have a disability, some people with chronic illnesses may face similar stigmas as people who may have no “obvious” signs of disability. Following the person’s preferred terminology whenever possible aligns your framing with their lived experience. Similarly, not using phrasing like “the chronically ill” ensures coverage considers the specifics of people’s situations and experiences and does not define them by their health status.

chronic pain

Chronic pain is a common condition of persistent pain that continues for more than three to six months. Chronic pain can be an overlooked disability — a person may not “look” sick or have an obvious injury, and the level of a person’s pain may not match assumptions about their initial injury or illness. Taking into account the person’s preferred terminology whenever possible aligns your framing with their lived experience.

congenital disorders

A congenital disorder is a condition that has been present since birth, such as Down syndrome or congenital heart disease. This term is more current than “birth defect,” which can imply an individual is “defective.” Focusing on the “chance” or “likelihood” of having a baby with a congenital disorder can be less stigmatizing than a term like “risk.”

cure (disabilities and illnesses)

Not every condition can be “cured,” nor does everyone with a disability or illness want to be “cured.” Following the person’s preferred terminology whenever possible aligns your framing with their lived experience.

deaf / Deaf / hard of hearing

Deafness and hearing loss are common conditions. The phrase “d/Deaf” can describe both the condition of deafness and Deaf Culture. When writing about a person who is d/Deaf, it’s best to confirm which capitalization they prefer whenever possible; some may prefer the term Deaf person as opposed to “person who is deaf.” The term d/Deaf is inclusive of both the condition of deafness and Deaf Culture (a brief explanation on first reference may be helpful for general audiences). For a person who has partial hearing loss but is not d/Deaf, the term “hard of hearing” can be used.


A medical term describing a loss of cognitive functioning that impacts an individual’s daily well-being. The term dementia should be used when referring to the actual diagnosis and only when relevant to the story, not as a euphemism or alternative to other kinds of mental decline, such as memory loss.

Down syndrome

Down syndrome is a condition in which a person is born with an extra copy of a certain chromosome, characterized by developmental delays of varying degrees and certain physical features like short stature and flatter faces. People with Down syndrome and their caregivers may experience social stigma and discrimination, and coverage should be careful to avoid implying “blame” for the condition or only speaking to caregivers of those with Down syndrome rather than the individuals themselves. It’s also important in media coverage to feature a wide range of perspectives, and to take care that coverage does not lean too heavily on “inspirational” narratives about “overcoming” or stigmatize those with disabilities. Prenatal testing exists for Down syndrome and certain other genetic conditions, though critics including some medical experts argue this represents a contemporary form of eugenics. Given the deeply personal and nuanced nature of the decisions around prenatal testing and abortion, careful coverage will ensure motivations are not assumed and that individuals are not shamed or stigmatized for personal medical choices.

dwarfism / short stature

Dwarfism or short stature describes a condition in which an adult human’s height is below a certain threshold (typically 4-foot-10). There are several forms of dwarfism, both proportional and disproportional, and short stature can be caused by many factors, including genetic or environmental conditions. The terms “little person,” “person of short stature,” or “dwarf” are the ones now most commonly accepted to describe such conditions, though someone may identify with one, more, or none of these terms. While dwarfism is recognized as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act, someone diagnosed with dwarfism may not identify as having a disability or being part of a disability community. If necessary and relevant to coverage to include such an identifier, taking into account a person’s preference whenever possible ensures coverage aligns with their lived experience.

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Language, Please is a living resource and will be updated regularly. Have a question, suggestion, or addition? We’d love to hear from you.

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