Editorial Tools

Editorial Tools

Find downloadable tip sheets, infographics, and an interactive edit exercise to spark conversations and facilitate thoughtful decision-making around story framing, language usage, and more.

Interactive Edit Exercise

An interactive experience inviting users to practice applying Language, Please guidance to sample stories.

Downloadable Resources

Practical support for navigating conversations and feedback about language and framing.

A one-pager with high-level guidance on improving DEI+ in news coverage.

A one-pager showing points where L,P offerings can support journalists through every stage of story development.

A slide version of our essential tips to use for newsroom learning and professional development.

Essential questions and tips for producing thoughtful audio stories that inform and move audiences.

Key insights for nuanced reporting on evolving social, cultural, and identity-related themes

A slide version of our guidance for audio producers with examples from a range of shows.